Asparagus - Spring Delicacy

Asparagus is a spring delicacy and apparently quite easy to cultivate. In the fall of 2022, we planted a single asparagus plant next to the façade in a relatively sheltered and warm area of the garden. Would it flourish or not?

The result was astounding. Now, one year later, the asparagus has nine shoots, some of which are over two meters high, with graceful foliage. When I saw the first green sprout in spring, I was filled with excitement. After some research, I realized that no harvest should be taken during the first year. I wish I had planted more asparagus that year, as you must wait two to three years before you can expect any yield.

To keep weeds at bay, I added a layer of mulch. In my case, I always use freshly cut grass from mowing the lawn. It's easily accessible, free, and helps retain soil moisture while providing essential nutrients to the plants.

Early summer of 2023 was exceptionally dry and warm in Western Sweden, so I decided to wait until the upcoming fall to plant new asparagus. However, I did plant corn for grilling alongside the asparagus.

The asparagus had to wait for the next few years, but the corn cobs were ready for dinner. The growth of the corn was equally fantastic compared to the asparagus, resulting in fresh and crispy corn cobs that were perfect for a meal.