Improving your soil involves a continuous process of adding organic materials and fertilizers. A high organic matter content is desirable, regardless of your soil type, as it helps the soil retain moisture, fosters the growth of beneficial microorganisms, and aids in nutrient availability for plants.

Using a grass collector on your lawnmower is a cost-effective way to enhance your soil because grass clippings are exceptionally nutrient-rich. It also helps control weeds and unwanted growth. However, be aware that earth rats are attracted to grass clippings. To deter them, as well as rabbits or deer, I sprinkle a bit of blood meal around the plants, which works wonders.

In addition to chicken manure and blood meal, Scandinavian or German hares have not been seen in our garden for a while. These fertilizers are high in nitrogen and have a quick effect on plant growth. However, using too much can result in excessive foliage growth with limited yields.

The introduction of grass clippings has made a significant difference in the quality of our garden soil. In the spring, we apply slow-acting cow manure to all vegetable beds, especially for onion and leek production. In the autumn, we fertilize the garlic beds generously with both grass clippings and well-matured manure.