List of Fruit Trees

1.     William’s Pear, also known as Bartlett Pear in the U.S: This is an English cultivar from the 1700’s. Today, grown all over the world. The William’s pear came to Sweden already in the 1850’s and is perfect for desserts and cooking. It is not a variety that will keep for storage, best enjoyed directly from the tree from mid-September. The fruits are green, yellow in color, rather big and sweet with a hint of cinnamon.

2.     Pear tree: Göteborgs Diamant, an old variety that has been cultivated in Sweden since the 1800s. It grows tall and takes up space. It might take some years before bearing fruits, but then the yield will be abundant. Harvest season in September-October. The flesh is white, slightly grainy, and juicy. It has a sweet taste that works well in both desserts and cooking, and should be eaten directly when ripe.

3.     Apple tree: Ingrid Marie is a Danish variety and was introduced in Sweden in 1946. It ripens late in Autumn, end of October early November and is good for storage. Rich red skin color and delicious aromatic taste, the flesh is yellow-white. Enjoyable both eaten and prepared in dishes. The growth is moderate and considered a winter apple in Sweden.    

4.     Apple tree: Katinka, a Norwegian cultivar introduced in 1992, is an early apple variety that ripens at the end of August or early September. It boasts excellent fruit quality and offers an aromatic taste of summer, with its yellow-white flesh. It is best enjoyed within September and is delicious when eaten straight from the tree.

5.     Apple tree: Aroma is a Swedish cultivar, developed in 1947 and commercially introduced in 1973, typically ripens in September and can remain fresh for several months when stored properly. The tree is highly productive and yields fruits of exceptional quality, known for their aromatic taste. The flesh is crisp and can be used in desserts or enjoyed as a standalone snack.

6.     Apple tree: Åkerö, an old Swedish apple variety dating back to the 1760s, with Dutch roots. This apple tree is known for its substantial size and the production of excellent apples. Today, it is cultivated throughout most of Scandinavia and the Nordic countries where the hardiness zone is suitable. Åkerö is a winter apple, cherished for its aromatic qualities, and is commonly used in baking and cooking.

7.     Plum tree: Herman, a Swedish variety from the 1970s. It ripens early and has a dark blue-violet skin. The flesh is yellow and has a sweet-tart taste. Perfect for cooking, to can and preserve. Proper ripening is important for the flavor to develop, and it’s very good eaten directly from the tree.